CSC 461: Hi-Fi Streaming
October 9th, 2023
Project ProposalOctober 23rd, 2023
I didn't realize we had to deliver a update bi-weekly, so I haven't compiled anything to share. My research hasn't unearthed anything in the codec that would prevent FLAC from being used for audio streaming, beyond the high bandwidth and storage.November 6th, 2023
Project Mid-term UpdateNovember 20th, 2023
As suggested by Myles Petersen, I decided to look into the potential to add a lower bit-rate option. I looked into what qualities Tidal currently offers, and have verified that they offer a 320 kbps option for streaming, so will include this.As Kieran Smith gave me the idea for compressing the audio during transmission, I decided to look into if any feasible compression algorithms existed for audio or file steaming in 2006. From what I could find, there are no existing algorithms at the moment to compress audio during transmission, so any compression could only be find in the creation of the FLAC files. I also checked Tidal's current website, and they also report speed requirements that line up with my calculations, so I feel this confirms there are no compression algorithms that can ber used.